Print – Flexo

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Flexographic Printing


Flexographic printing is a highly popular technique for cardboard packaging. Its main benefits include a high aesthetic quality and resistance to wear and dirt.

It is a direct printing process in which printing is performed using flexible printing forms (plates) made from photopolymers. Flexographic printing provides optimal print quality on various types of both coated and uncoated cardboard. This method distinguishes between preprint and postprint,  making it ideal for large-scale production. Although the initial cost for tool preparation is higher than for other technologies, the per-unit cost is significantly lower. Water-based inks are used, adhering to food safety standards.




Postprint is a flexographic printing method that involves direct printing on corrugated cardboard.

Flexo Standard is suitable for printing simple images, achieving best results on coated substrates and cardboard with minimal wave height, like E. Higher waves may produce a more noticeable “washboarding effect,” which occurs due to the corrugation ridges during printing.

Flexo High Quality (HQP) represents a technological advancement over simple direct printing, offering enhanced quality and detail. Ideal for high-quality, small-volume printing